William Abel Tude Batch 2011-2012

April 28, 2014
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William Abel Tude Batch 2011-2012

First of all, I would like to thank St. Paul Learning Center for grooming me for 14 years. I would say that in those years, it helped me grow as a student and most importantly as a person. The values and life lessons that I learned under the school’s tutelage and with the help of my parents’ guidance is mainly the reason why I am the person I am today. For me, one reason why I strived in St. Paul was because of the learning environment that they have. All of the teachers have amazing personalities and are willing to help the students if they are having any problems regarding school. Being surrounded by “like-minded” people is also one reason why I strived. Everyday I get to engage with them and learned new things that I may not have picked up without their introduction. This institution encourages everyone not only to aim to be the best but also be the best person you can be. When I had my international OJT in the United States, the people I worked with and the people I talked to, often praised me about how good I was in speaking in English especially after knowing that I came from the Philippines. This clearly is one of the perks of studying in St. Paul. Lastly, they also focus on improving the student’s confidence. This for me, is one of the important things they instilled in me. The students are exposed to many programs that happen monthly. They are not only performing well in academics but also in extra-curricular activities which are proven to aid the student’s growth.

William Abel Tude

St. Paul
St. Paul
St. Paul seeks to create a total learning environment with high expectation of success; provides top quality education and passion for learning; empowers each student to contribute wisdom, leadership and compassion to our global community; preserves and enriches the Filipino-Christian values, culture and heritage; strives to involve our parents, teachers, and community members in a strong partnership between home and school.